Monday, August 31, 2015

Climb Back Up...

I've got myself some space to spread out again, and am getting my self set and organized again. I want to start painting on Inquisitor Nerfgun's Diorama again soon, and do some more terrain work.

In related news, I've had a hobby boon thrust upon me. I'll report more on that later, too.

Watch this space!



Thursday, August 13, 2015

Radio Silence

'I should have been on the lookout', he said; 'I should have known that God only puts a rug under guys like me in order to jerk it out from under their. feet'.
I love that line and I dare say that every so often I feel like it applies to my life. Eh, I guess that more than a few people have felt the same over the course of time past. I know who I am and how I get to where I end up, and don't blame anyone but myself. I do apologize to my follower for this extended period of radio silence, and there is no relief in sight. I dunno how but I went and burned myself right out on the hobby for now. It's happened to me before, and I've come out the other side with some really cool ideas. So for right now I'm dealing with personal life and just thinking about hobby stuff kinda on the edge of everything else.

As soon as I have something interesting, I'll post it. I promise.



P.S. Read Stephen King's It if you haven't already. Then read the Dark Tower cycle, and the rest of his stuff.

Go, then, there are other worlds than these.