Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Storage From Scraps

A few months ago I started thinking of solutions to having my models just sitting about, as well as how I might get them from here to there in the event I ever get a game in. I considered the usual suspects like Army Transport and Battlefoam, and decided I wanted a solution at a much lower cost. I've mentioned before I work in a sign shop and occasionally get a hold of things to use for terrain. When I had a solid idea of what I wanted to accomplish, I went to my boss and asked him if I could use some scrap materials. He acquiesced to my request and was just about as surprised as I was with what I turned out.

Gloss black .040 aluminium cut and bent to shape to hold panels of Dibond composite board along with anodized black aluminium rivets (steel for the hinges). This case is my prototype and proof of concept to secure more scraps from the boss. I'd like to add feet or whatever they're called to the corners; the bare metal is apt to scrape. A handle and latch is also in order.

I built the first box here to house my Imperial Knights; specifically four knight bases in fairly snug fashion. I'll add another piece of Dibond with oval cut outs for the bases to sit in. The box is 20" x 8" x 9". To give a sense of how much room there is I included a Naval Armsman and a Leman Russ. I'd posit that I could fit both platoons of Guardsmen as well as my Scions comfortably. Depending on the height of storage platforms I could probably fit 15 Leman Russ hulls or the like.

Now that I've got the one done I want to build a second that folds open in the front as well as the top. I could make it into a maintenance hanger display transport. Another thing I want to try my hand at is acrylic display cases such as the ones sports memorabilia are housed in. I've got access to all the materials and tools...

Anyone need a box?



Saturday, November 26, 2016

Saturday Workbench Update

I've been working on the Castaferrum Dreadnought from Death Masque as well as getting my first Veteran assembled. I've also got my first Horus Heresy model ready to paint.

Once these two models are painted I'll put my brushes away until the holidays roll around and concentrate on my 'Build Phase'.



Friday, November 25, 2016

Autumn State of Affairs

So here is about where I usually lose hobby steam and drift for the last bit of autumn and the winter months. After blowing DREADTOBER, I've been thinking about it a lot. My Pile of Grey Shame is starting to take on alarming dimensions. With the past years rapid release cycle comprised largely of things I want, I've been buying more and seem to be finding less and less time to work on things.

A contributing factor here is definitely storage of completed miniatures. I have used Sabol Army Transporter for years and the one I have is still good. It's also over full with my IG forces alone. I've got the paint 1.0 mega paint set hardcase and foam; that was good for my Marines when there weren't so many of them. My Imperial Knights raise a whole plethora of transport questions (which I've solved handily, more on that soon). Finally, I play a lot less than I used to. I am trying to work out some display solutions before going with the Ikea standby. As it stands, finished models get stored on my desk. Not ideal at all.

As mentioned above I'm working on things regarding storage, and have devised a two pronged plan for getting hobby steam built up to carry me through the winter, allowing me to flit between projects and still produce results. I have decided to start a Horus Heresy army, and will begin building models immediately. I've got my Deathwatch Marines to work on, as well as a myriad of cultists. On my back burner is my Abhuman Technoheretic army. Finally, I have more than a few half finished terrain pieces I can work on.


Between now and the beginning of winter I will be concentrating on building miniatures. I'm going to put my paints away until the week before Christmas. That gives me four weeks of build out time. I'll be happy as long as anything gets done. I'll be really happy if I get the following done:

  • HH basic army (HQ, 2 Troops)
  • Death Masque Deathwatch Marines
  • finish Deatwatch Overkill Marines
  • finish Chimera project pt 2
  • finish Leman Russ refurbs

When the week before Christmas rolls around I should have enough stuff built and primed to get me through the winter. I've been thinking about my Horus Heresy army a bit the last couple weeks and think I've narrowed my choice. I've got plenty of Guardsmen to paint, as well as a few models for Inquisimunda, so it won't be all Marines all winter. Deathwatch and Horus Heresy can be done in small batches, with other models thrown in for flavor and just to change it up. Along with the above listed projects, I'll be tinkering with terrain throughout.

I'll also attempt to restrain myself when it comes to new releases and eBay gold.

No plan survives first contact with the enemy... let's see how I do.



Thursday, November 10, 2016