So, while completely ignoring my hobby projects for the most part, I have been active on the WIP forum. One of the guys who shares the forum with us is none other than Steve Stodden, owner of Mad Robot Miniatures. Steve tasked us to come up with ideas for a community project, much like the projects taken on by the Phoenix Club a few years ago.
We came up with this, the Azog treadbike. Steve put in a lot of work to get this awesome model produced for the community. I ordered five myself, and plan to use them as Rough Riders for my Imperial Force. Rough Riders are one of those units that I've always wanted in my army, but could never really get behind these guys. And while I absolutely love the FW Death Riders, they're also not quite what I was looking for. The Azog treadbike fits my army style perfectly, and I happily pre-ordered over Memorial Day weekend.
When I got home today, there was a package waiting for me. Inside were my Azogs. I immediately set to work to see how well they scaled to the rest of my troops, and how they will look on a base.
Here are the pieces for one bike.
Here is the bike body on a base, and then with a Cadian torso on the stock legs. The size is right on.
To be continued.