Sunday, January 12, 2014

2014 Wishlist or Whatever

Happy New Year.

Yes I am aware that it's been two weeks or so since 2014 began. Meh.

Also, for those of you who have been kind enough to follow me, I do seem to hibernate when it comes to be the winter. My apologies for the resultant silence. As a result though, I have a few things to show you since last time... just not all at once.

2013 in summary: Unproductive. I painted only 24 models this year. I also began four separate terrain projects that sit unfinished. There is no excuse since I can lay hands to all of my projects right now as I sit typing. On the assembly front, I fared little better; building out 5 AdMech Marines and one generic AdMech Marines character. I should say that these are the only things built that were not painted.

On a better note, I did manage to finish the first AdMech Marines tactical squad for my army, along with a Contemptor Dreadnought. I have also got the army's first three Devastators completed. An Imperial Guard Enginseer was converted into a 'counts as' Coteaz, who will lead my 'counts as' Grey Knights force (I expect bits for this project to arrive this next week). For my Imperial Guard army, I painted up an old Rogue Trader era Rapier, two Steel Legion heavy bolter teams, the Azog pattern Rough Riders, and a Catachan lieutenant model.

2014: Setting Expectations

I promise to try to make an effort to work on getting at least one project mostly finished each month this year.

Seriously, I plan to finish at least one model a week this year. I have at least 15 AdMech Marines to finish and paint, so that is a good start right there. I have the 'counts as' Grey Knight force to work on once my order from Mad Robot Miniatures arrives. Currently on my work bench are a third Steel Legion heavy bolter team and a Sentinel. Finally on the to-do pile of miniatures is my AdMech Marines Master of the Forge. I need to finish sculpting his robes, rebuild his weapon mount, and then paint him up.

I have those terrain projects I started, as well. I have started an elevated pipeline/catwalk for my board, so I will need pillars, pipeline, and walkways. I also have the Necromunda card terrain I am replicating in foamboard. The last project will be shelved for now, in favor of working on a new project.

So I have some work for me this year. And my Oath of the Moment, right now, is that I will post weekly in 2014.
