Friday, July 10, 2015

Inq28 Project: Interrogator Nerfgun's Diorama

While out shopping a bit ago I spotted a 7" wooden round in the craft aisle. I decided to grab it on a whim, thinking vaguely about building some sort of diorama. As I've painted up the servos skulls this last weekend I've been thinking more and more about what that diorama might comprise.

I started with the broken sprinkler line and the insulation foam, placing them here and there on the base before I decided how they would best fit. Once decided I traced the locations, made final cuts, and then used hot glue to secure the pieces to the base. Next, working around and up, I started cutting and placing pieces of pine bark.

After all the pine bark was in place the next step was to mark out where the miniatures will fit in the picture. I used thin card strips to build forms around the marked locations, and with the entire piece covered with a piece of grocery bag I used Sculpy to build up the areas around the voids. After the Sculpy was baked and cooled I secured it using superglue. The next step was to level up the voids for the minis using more thin card.

After setting the card I used 1/8th inch thick cork to create a bit of broken concrete here and there especially around where the minis will be placed. The final step was to add sand all over. Once the PVA for the sand dries I'll give the entire thing a coat of 2:1:1 water-black craft paint-PVA glue to seal everything, and then a coat of 1:1 water-craft paint to make sure everything is coated black.

The progress on this piece is moving fast.
