Thursday, March 15, 2018

Terrain: Garden of Morr 001

It's been a busy week for me. I've been working non stop on half of a Sigmarite Mausoleum or as it used to be billed, The Garden of Morr. I always liked the death cult in the old WFB Empire. There were some excellent conversions around... ah the nostalgia!

 I started with giving everything a coat of primer while still on sprue. I then clipped out and assembled the tombs. After that everything got painted Rob Hawkins style... I know I'm not the only one to have been inspired by his work on this particular project lately. I painted all the walls and fence pieces while still on the sprues, clipping them off when I was ready to start applying shades.

This is the part where I skip some of the step by step photos for the last couple steps before being completely done. The next step is an all over wash of Nuln Oil and then some spot drybrushing. I'm pretty happy with how it's come out so far. Stay tuned to see it finished.
