Okay here is the finished product of the Craters and Barricades Project. But first, some WIP shots:
Sand, cork, and sprue added.
Two coats of Delta black later, then dry brushed with Gliddeon paint & primer in one. I got two sample pots, seen here, which will cover my table and provide uniform colour match across my board.
The styrofoam ruin with DAP skim and Sculpy sandbags.
Here are the complete craters. The barricades are DAP and styrofoam with sand, cork, and sprue rubble. The tank traps and reinforcing steel is H channel from Evergreen, and the trench wall is .020 sheet styrene from the same, gouged with a broken #11 blade to get the wood grain.
I have accomplished a critical step: my terrain matches my basing, seen above.
I've got news on the hobby front, too, but that will have to wait for another post... But in the mean time here is a teaser: