Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Orks: Deffkoptas 002

Not much happening on my work bench these last few days. I've spent them mostly helping a friend of mine get his stuff packed up for a move out of state.

One of the consequences of him moving out of town is he needs to board his cat here. This is great since now my cat Snow has a fuzzy playmate.

And in the mean time I did manage to get the bases for the first three Deffkoptas done. Rhinox Hide base over sand and crushed slate, drybrushed with Kommndo Khaki and Bleached Bone. Washed with Agrax Earthshade, repeat drybrushing after painting rocks Codex Grey. Wash again. I added scorched grass to the bases with PVA glue.

Next post should show some paint on the Deffkoptas.
