Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Terrain: Chimera Bunker 001

This is a terrain piece that GW still sold when I got into 40k. This, the Jungle Trees, and the Gothic Ruins were pretty much it back then, not counting all the FW goodies. I came across it on eBay a short while ago and decided that I couldn't pass it up. I've always thought it a characterful piece. The guys in the Design Studio did a great job using bits to add flavor to the scene. I can see my Imperial Command fitting in this bunker.

Of course, I can be counted on not to leave well enough alone.

The first thing I did was use a lighter and carefully burnt away the static grass.

Next I got out my trench segments and marked out a good spot for them to intersect the bunker. Using my razor saw and stencil knife I carefully cut away a bit of the foam detail and set it aside.

Next I cut a base out and marked the bunker entrance. I used my drill to bore the holes for the bamboo skewers that will secure the foam bunker to the MDF base. Tacky glue holds the foam to the MDF while the skewers are held in foam with the wood glue. I beveled the edge of the base with my stencil knife.

With the foam Chimera Bunker securely fastened to the MDF base I built up the new entrance with styrene H bar and coffee stirrers. The transition ramp is black plastic canvas, textured plasticard, and of course grit. I used spackle to blend the bunker to the base and cover up the remnants of the static grass. Once the spackle set I gave it a coat of grit. I also added a bit of barbed wire at the 'low' side of the bunker.

One of the things I considered when this piece first arrived was to cut off all the sandbags and replace em with smaller ones. That way all the sandbags on my board at any one time would match. Then I decided that maybe there's a Pioneer Corps detachment wandering around with some indentured Ogryns who can easily pack sandbags that size... It sounds like a fun project to take on some day.

Anyhow, all that is left to get this piece finished is painting. Stay tuned.



Saturday, February 11, 2017

Inq28: The Witchhunter 002

I've been lazy about posting of late. I've been working on my Ordo Hereticus warband despite the lack of updates.

Firstly, a list for this little detachment. I'm using the Codex: Inquisition detachment list. The one in Imperial Agents doesn't quite fit what I need. The Cyber-mastiffs are going to be counts as Arco-flagellants and their Arbites handler will be the counts as Crusader

Ordo Hereticus Warband

  Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Lutor
  • bolt pistol
  • powersword
  Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband
    Crusader                   x1
    Arco-flagellant          x3
    Ministorum Priest      x5
  • eviscerator       x5
  • plasmagun
  • plasma pistol
  • autogun
  • bolt pistol         x2
Secondly I'm just about done with the unit. I have all the models I need.

My Mad Robot backpacks came in and I got that all set up to carry Inquisitor Lutor's myriad gunna. I also finished the powerplant on the baroque power sword he carries. I'm still working on sculpting that arm to match the torch arm.

Witchhunter Lutor is standing on his new base in the above photos. I've got bases for everyone in the unit, modeled after the deck of the technobridge. I'll cover those plans in another post.
