Sunday, May 24, 2015

Ordo Mechanicus 001

Got a couple of kits to make an Adeptus Mechanicus flavored Inquisitor's forces. Since I've got a solid Inquisitor in not-Coteaz already, I figured I'd start with some henchmen flavored models.

And then I realized...

And then I realized I don't care.

This guy is an interrogator level aspirant to the ordos. Hand and head swaps, along with clipping the antenna and scanner from the armor make for a simple conversion here.

Another interrogator level character. Scion legs under a skitarii torso, with the scions powerfist and bolt pistol arms, and head. The legs took some trimming to fit in there, and I ended up snipping one off and replacing it with a skitarii bionic.

That leg from the last guy? Yeah, took it from here. and replaced it with another boot from the scion sprue. A scions torso and head provides the core for the plasma caliver armed henchman. This guy is going to take the most work to build the parts of the skitarii legs that are normally hidden under the robe.

Three henchmen armed with galvanic rifles. The first is the only conversion among them, just a head swap. I figure that the Ordo Mechanicus must source at least some of their *cough* redshirts *cough* from the ranks of the skitarii.

So the basic assembly is done. Now they're ready for greenstuff and more kit. I also have at least nine more models to produce from what is left of creating these guys. I think a 5 man team of straight skitarii armed with radium carbines will be on the list, maybe a couple more interrogators... I want to get a box of the Sicarians since they include some excellent components. I did pick up Codex: Skitarii, and plan to grab Codex: Cult Mechanicus too, but don't know if I'm going to go at another army right now.

Meh, I'll figure out what I'm doing soon enough. I really want to find some people to play some Inquisimunda with.

Until I figure it out, stay tuned.
