Our current hobby challenge is coming to an end and us Dad’s got thinking… maybe it would be cool to get you guys involved too!?So I'm in. I've been working on my Deathwatch minis of late, and have been tinkering with the idea of converting one of my Calth Contemptors to a Deathwatch Contemptor with some greenstuff work. This is something new, the dreadnought, and moreso something to get me out of my purity seal comfort zome with regard to sculpting.
The themes we pick are intended to challenge, so for this we’ve picked ‘something new’. For this one it could be a miniature from a different army that you’ve always had your eye on, it could be a colour you’ve never been brave enough to attempt, it could be that sweet conversion you have been dreaming of for a while but weren’t quite sure you could pull off…
The challenge will start on the 1st September. We’ll post a weekly compilation of the submissions on Twitter and then on the 1st October we’ll post our top three favourites.
There’s no prizes, other than the satisfaction of completing something you’ve never done before, and the ability to hobby-shame your friends that didn’t manage to complete their entry in time.
So, pick your entry, follow us on twitter, subscribe to the blog and get posting your weekly progress pictures with the hash tag #4dhobby. In the mean time, let us know what you're planning to enter.
Ready? Here we go!